We’re here to work with you to provide the best solutions.
Every information security solution we create is aligned with the leading frameworks and established security measures that have been adopted by government and industry leaders. Because we believe that the privacy and security of your information is just as important as the members you serve.

Risk Management
In today’s constantly changing business landscape, risk management is more important than ever. From mitigating the threat of hackers and data breaches to monitoring costs of new construction and maintaining internal controls ‒ managing and optimizing risk has never been so critical. It’s easy for cooperatives to get bogged down in day-to-day issues or fires that spring up and lose sight of the organization’s strategic goals and objectives. KO Consulting provides a range of internal assessment, enterprise risk management, process improvement, internal control and compliance services to help our clients understand and proactively address business risks that are critical to their success

Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is all about measuring and prioritizing risks so that risk levels are managed within defined tolerance thresholds without negatively impacting operations or forgoing desirable opportunities. To accomplish this requires a risk assessment process that is practical, sustainable, easy to understand, and fits the nature of rural electric cooperatives. Our approach uses a hybrid assessment that utilizes a combination of the framework provided by NIST as well as the NERC CIP standards. This exercise allows us understand the current maturity of the relevant capabilities of your organization. These results will then be used to inform our recommendations for helping evolve and elevate your information security and data security plan.

Training and Awareness
Employee training and awareness are pillars of any information security program. Our onsite training classroom sessions are designed for all employees, directors, and contractors. Through training sessions, we enable your personnel to demonstrate basic command of the security landscape and known risks, while gaining a better understanding of good cyber hygiene when it comes to company devices and systems. We will work with your management team on creating a culture of security awareness as it relates to everyday business operations. Constant reminders and continuous employee education help promote safe practices and sound habits.

Custom Tailored Solutions
There is no “one-size-fits-all” information security solution. Your cooperative’s needs are just as unique and innovative as the threats that you fight against. Through our expertise, we can provide you with a custom information security program that protects against cyber security threats and privacy risks. We custom-tailor each solution to fit your specific needs and address your highest security risks, while working within your cooperative’s structure to incorporate security measures seamlessly into your everyday activities. Security is an ever-evolving landscape and requires an agile and vigiliant plan to stay on top of high risk behaviors and situations.